Saturday, December 31, 2011

Coffee-Hell or, Heaven?

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. The US probably consumes more coffee than any other nation. There is nothing like a good cup of steaming coffee to kick start a day. In spite of several attempts to paint it black, coffee has always made a strong come back. More and more health benefits of coffee are coming to the fore.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Detecting Heart Attacks

Heart disease, particularly coronary heart disease, is difficult to diagnose. Every time somebody gets chest pain, it need not be a heart attack. For example, excess acid secretion may create heart attack like symptoms. Usually, ECG recordings are made use of, but are not always conclusive. Recently, a more sensitive test is being tried which is proving to be more reliable and accurate when it comes to the confirming of a heart attack.

It involves measuring the blood levels of a muscle protein called troponin I. Troponin levels had already been measured earlier, but recently, a more sensitive method for measuring this protein has been developed. His method is under trial and may prove to be a boon to the medical profession to rule out false heart attacks.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How to Look Young

Physical fitness and youthful look
Nobody wants to age. People are on the lookout for cosmetic treatments to look young. Some of them may help to a certain extent, but many do not. The most important thing for a youthful look is a physically fit body. If you have a bulging belly, no amount of hair on your head is going to make you look young. Healthy diet combined with regular exercise would go a long way in achieving your goals.

Smile please!
However, youthful looks have more to do with your state of mind. People who are happy and who smile often, look younger. A recent study confirms that people who smile often present a youthful appearance and their ages are underestimated by at least two years.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Coffee Against Cancer

Coffee continues to be in news. The benefits are pouring out. Recent information is that the dreaded cancer is running away at the sight of coffee. At least four types of cancer can be prevented by the regular consumption of coffee.
1. 1.Endometrial cancer
2. Breast cancer
3. Prostate cancer
4. Skin cancer
It has been suggested that caffeine in coffee may be responsible for this action since decaffeinated coffee is not having this protective effect against these cancers.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Diabetes Increases Breast Cancer Risk

Health problems are usually interdependent. One disease feeds and thrives on another. Thus, ageing produces certain changes in the body. Ageing, by itself, created several problems like decline in cognitive functions, osteoporosis and arthritis. Obesity is a major health problem in several countries. Obesity is a condition which subsequently breeds several other disorders.

For example, obesity can increase the risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Obesity also produces insulin resistance and this can lead to type 2 diabetes. Recent evidence suggests that if a woman is over 60 and if she is obese and diabetic, her risk for getting breast cancer is increased. The connection between obesity and breast cancer is already known. This is the first time that a link between diabetes and breast cancer has been noticed.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

What is Metastasis?

Normally, the growth of the cells in the tissues of the body is rigidly regulated so that nothing goes wrong. When this regulation is lost due to some reason, there is uncontrolled proliferation of cells. This process is called carcinogenesis. The abnormal growth of cells is also called tumor formation. A tumor can be benign or, malignant. A benign tumor is relatively harmless. However, benign tumors are also removed through surgery as there is a possibility of this turning into a cancer. A cancer can invade the neighboring tissues with serious and fatal consequences.

Some of the cancer cells can detach themselves from the primary cancer site and travel through the blood and the lymphatic system. Subsequently, they attach themselves to other distant organs to establish a new colony of cancer cells. This process is called secondary cancer, also commonly known as metastasis. When metastasis has occurred, surgery is no longer the preferred option. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are commonly employed when metastasis has taken place. Such treatments involve several side effects such as nausea, vomiting, tiredness, loss of hair and compromised immunity.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Is There an Andropause?

Female menopause is a fact. It usually arrives after the age of 50 and coincides with the cessation of the functioning of the ovaries. This results in the drastic reduction in the production of the female sex hormone estrogen.

However, many health experts believe that there is no such thing as male menopause (andropause). This is because the production of testosterone never completely stops. The drop in testosterone starts at around the age of 30 and continues to drop as men age. However, even very aged males can produce some amount of testosterone. The most characteristic feature of falling testosterone levels is a reduction in sexual desire.

Doctors do not advocate testosterone replacement therapy to counter falling testosterone levels. Testosterone supplements are called for only in situations like erectile dysfunction. This would work only if the erectile dysfunction is due to lack of testosterone.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Fitness levels Important to Reduce Heart Disease Risks

In an effort to get rid of excess fat, people resort to all types of fancy diets. Things however, are not going to be rosy because you are not tucking in fat and high calorie foods. Several studies have shown that fitness levels are more important than reducing fat. Even if you are overweight, if you continue to be physically active, you can ward off coronary heart disease. Thus, having normal weight or, being slightly underweight does not guarantee that you would be disease free. It is the level of fitness which is more important.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Dietary Intervention For Cardioprotection

While some people suffer from heart disease because of genetic factors, most of the problem is derived from lifestyle changes. Inactive habits promote obesity and diabetes. Increased physical activity may help to a certain extent, but healthy eating habits are equally important. Certain foods help the cause of cardioprotection. Some other foods promote the onset of coronary heart disease.

Foods that help
1. Grain products which have not been refined
2. Fish
3. Nuts, particularly walnuts
4. Vegetable oils, preferably containing omega-3-fatty acids
5. Fruits and vegetables which supply fiber and antioxidants
Foods which harm
1. Dairy foods
2. Foods prepared with trans fats
3. Beverages containing sugar
4. Baked products obtained using refined grain
5. Red meat

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Lycopene Can Protect the Heart

Lycopene is a pigment found in fruits. Lycopene has the ability to lower the risk for cardiovascular disease. Lycopene prevents the hardening of the arteries. Lycopene also prevents the onset of strokes. Tomato has high concentration of lycopene. Lycopene is also found in guava, papaya and pink grapefruit. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

A New Target To Inhibit Plaque Formation

Iron is an essential mineral and its deficiency leads to anemia. There are reports that excess of iron is also bad. It seems that iron is capable of promoting the action of free radicals (reactive oxygen species). This produces additional inflammatory reactions and can promote plaque formation in the coronary arteries.
When macrophages are loaded with iron, they are incapable of removing cholesterol from the plaques. This release of iron from the macrophages is prevented by the hormone hepcidin which is produced and released from the liver. Researchers from the US have developed a drug which is capable of inhibiting hepcidin and this, indirectly helps to move the cholesterol out of the plaques.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Asthma Becomes Worse on Statin Use

Cholesterol is a waxy water insoluble substance which is produced by animals. Plants do not produce cholesterol. Cholesterol is synthesized mainly in the liver. Cholesterol, being insoluble, is transported in circulation in combination with lipoproteins. The major lipoproteins concerned with the transport of cholesterol in the circulation are LDL and HDL.

High levels of cholesterol in the circulation have been associated with increased risk for coronary heart disease. The cholesterol carried by LDL has been called bad cholesterol as this form of cholesterol leads to increased plaque formation in the coronary arteries.

Statins are drugs employed to reduce the cholesterol levels in the circulation. Statins are compounds which lower cholesterol by blocking the synthesis of cholesterol. The use of statins has been associated with several side effects. Recent evidence is adding one more side effect to the ever growing list. Statins have been shown to worsen the condition of asthma. Statistical evidence shows that asthmatics using statins have to use the inhalers more often than asthmatics who do not use statins.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A new drug to increase HDL levels

Cholesterol has been in the news for several decades and continues to be so. The very word cholesterol induces fear into everyone’s heart because of the widely held theory that this compound can promote coronary heart disease. Cholesterol is carried in the circulation by lipoproteins. The cholesterol carried by LDL is supposed to be bad while the cholesterol transported by HDL is believed to be good. Most of the drugs employed to reduce cholesterol, reduce only the LDL cholesterol and no drug is available which is capable of elevating the HDL cholesterol. Thus, any drug or, drugs capable of lowering LDL and elevating HDL would be highly useful to reduce cardiovascular disease risk.

Researchers in Canada have discovered a drug capable of elevating the HDL levels in the circulation. The target of this new drug is a molecule called microRNA-33 (miR-33). This RNA reduces the HDL levels and also increases the production of triglycerides. When this RNA is inhibited in animals, there is a 50% increase in the levels of HDL and triglyceride levels are lowered. Thus, a combination of this new drug and statins would go a long way in offering protection against coronary heart disease.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

If You Sit, You May Get Cancer

Sedentary lifestyle is the latest craze among people. People don’t want to do anything. These people just prefer to sit and allow time to pass by. Sitting at the same place for a long duration increases the chances of becoming obese. This idleness also makes a person susceptible to the onset of coronary heart disease as it lowers the levels of lipase, the enzyme responsible for reducing the body fat levels. The risk for heart disease is independent of the risk for obesity.

Exercise reduces cancer risk

It has now been shown that simply sitting at the same place for hours can increase the risk for cancer. Already it has been shown that exercise reduces the risk for some forms of cancer. Prolonged sitting can increase inflammatory reactions in the body and this may promote cancer. Exercise stimulates the immune system and the active immune system may have something to do with this. The present advice given by doctors is to exercise and at the same time avoiding sitting for prolonged periods. This risk for cancer is also independent of the risk for obesity.

Sitting elevates cancer risk

Evidence has accumulated to show that at least three types of cancer can be prevented by being active and avoiding the sitting posture.
• Colon cancer
• Breast cancer
• Endometrial cancer
Evidence shows that exercise brings about a 30% reduction in risk for colon cancer, 25% reduction in the risk for breast cancer and a 30% decrease in the risk for endometrial cancer.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Nuts To Treat Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a complicated disorder and is associated with obesity, particularly central obesity, dyslipidemia, hypertension and insulin resistance. It is rather difficult to treat because many complications are involved. If one can reduce obesity, part of the problem could be resolved.
Nuts elevate Serotonin
Serotonin is an important neurotransmitter. It has the ability to reduce the sensation of hunger and also has the ability to elevate the mood. Nuts are packed with several nutrients including vitamins and minerals. They also possess antioxidants and fiber both of which are useful for protecting against cardiovascular disease. Nuts also possess the important fatty acids belonging to the class of omega3-fatty acids. These fatty acids also have the ability to protect against several diseases. It has now been shown that nuts are capable of boosting the serotonin levels in the body. This can suppress the appetite and enables the weight to be kept under check.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Green Tea Preserves the Heart cells

Green tea offers several health benefits. These include better weight management as a result of prevention of obesity, prevention of diabetes and coronary heart disease and the delaying of the onset of several forms of cancer. New studies indicate that drinking green tea can benefit the heart in more than one way. The first obvious way is the ability of green tea to lower the blood cholesterol levels. This prevents cardiovascular disease.

One sure sign of ageing is the shortening of the telomere lengths. The telomeres act as chromosomal caps. One of the reasons for the shortening of the telomeres is the increased presence of free radicals in the body. Thus, green tea, through its antioxidant action, is able to restrict the accumulation of free radicals in the body. This helps to prevent the shortening of the telomere lengths and preserve the health of the heart cells.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Gut Bacteria Influence Statin Action

As increased blood cholesterol levels are considered a huge risk for developing coronary heart disease, it is important to bring down the levels of cholesterol in susceptible people. This can be done through a combination of dietary manipulation and exercise. When these methods do not work out one has to seek the help of medicines. Statins are drugs commonly employed to reduce the blood cholesterol levels. Statins act by blocking the synthesis of cholesterol.
It has however been noticed that the effects of statins vary in different people. Some people respond better than others. It is now revealed that the gut bacteria can influence the effect of statins on human beings. It is already known that the gut bacteria are capable of producing large number of chemicals. Some of these chemicals are beneficial to the host. For example, the gut bacteria can produce vitamin K and vitamin B12 and supply them to the host. Studies have revealed that people in whom the gut bacteria produce three bile acids respond better to the administration of statins.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Cancer Risk in Diabetes

Diabetes is a metabolic disease with every organ in the body being affected. Diabetes also increases the risk for several other diseases including coronary heart disease, hypertension, metabolic syndrome and dementia. Recent information suggests that the diabetics also run the risk of acquiring colon cancer. The male diabetics also have increased risk for rectal cancer. Thus, it is important to keep diabetes under control.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Statins to Help in Head Injuries

Who has not heard of cholesterol? This compound puts fear into everyone’s heart. There is nothing new about this. Increased blood cholesterol levels have been associated with increased risk for coronary heart disease. It is this aspect which makes people going in for frequent blood tests involving various cholesterol fractions.

The pharmaceutical industry is happy with cholesterol because they are making a killing with drugs capable of reducing the blood cholesterol levels. The most important drugs are compounds called statins. These compounds decrease the synthesis of cholesterol in the body. Reducing the blood cholesterol using the statins has proved to be beneficial for many people. Recently, another use has come in for the statins. Recent studies have indicated that older persons who are on statins are 76% more likely to survive severe head injuries.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Fruits and Vegetables Protect the Heart

It has long been held that what is written on the genes are there for a lifetime and cannot be changed. Now a team of researchers have questioned this theory based on their observations. The gene 9p21 is a strong marker for heart disease. The researchers have shown that the effect of this gene is considerably weakened by the inclusion of more vegetables and fruits in the diet. This is one more proof to show that fruits and vegetables are cardioprotective.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Blood Test For Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is an incurable and irreversible neurodegenerative form of dementia. It is feared by everyone because of the way by which it attacks a person. A person affected by Alzheimer’s disease loses his entire past and does not know what his present is. The slow rotting away of an individual is a horrible experience for the close relatives. All persons affected by this disease are not affected in the same way. Some do not show any cognitive decline while others fade away rapidly. Although there is no known cure for this disease, it would be helpful for the people close to the patients if they know what to expect.

Scientists have discovered a blood test which may help predict the course of progression of Alzheimer’s disease. As the disease progresses, the blood level of ceramides increases while the level of plasma sphingomelins decrease. Thus, greater the blood ceramide levels greater would be the deterioration. Ceramides are formed from sphingomyelin by the action of an enzyme called sphingomyelinase. Thus, this enzyme could be the future target for inhibition so that the progression of the disease could be reduced.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

New and Promising Treatment For Diabetes

Recent research with mice has suggested the possibility of a new line of treatment for diabetes. The treatment involves the use of a compound called nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN). This is a compound which is produced naturally in the body. NMN is the precursor of NAD (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). NAD is an important coenzyme in the body and participates in many oxidative and reductive metabolic reactions. Two important factors which promote diabetes are ageing and the consumption of high-fat diet. When both these factors are involved, the NAD content in the body decreases.
One of the consequences of diabetes is reduced glucose tolerance. Mice which were administered NMN were able to exhibit better glucose tolerance. This happened with aged mice as well as mice which were made diabetic. Thus, the use of NMN to treat diabetes offers much promise.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Obesity Compromises the Immune System

Obesity has several deleterious consequences. Obesity can greatly undermine longevity as a result of the complications which accompany obesity. It has recently been shown that being overweight and obese can have another deleterious consequence. It compromises the immune system. For example, statistical evidence shows that a large number of the people affected by the swine flu infection were obese and were having a body mass index of over 40. This is indeed suggestive of poor immune response to infection. Obesity produces hormonal changes and these changes, in turn, produce inflammatory reactions which affect the functioning of the immune system.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Elevated Testosterone levels in Postmenopausal Women Increase the Risk For Heart attacks

Small amounts of androgens are always present in females, but the significance of this has never been fully understood. When women reach menopause, their estrogen levels start falling and most of the post menopausal discomfort experienced by many women can be correlated with this fall in the estrogen levels. Thus, at menopause, estrogen levels fall and there is a relative increase in the androgen concentrations, particularly testosterone. Recent studies indicate that increased testosterone levels as encountered during menopause may contribute to the incidence of insulin resistance. The risk for heart disease and metabolic syndrome is also elevated. In post menopausal women with lower testosterone, these risks are significantly lowered.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Arterial Calcification And Heart Attacks

Cholesterol increase in blood has always been linked to increased risk for coronary heart disease. However, the situation is not so simple as seen from the fact that even people with normal cholesterol levels can get heart attacks. Moreover, cholesterol is not the only substance to be deposited in the coronary arteries. Recent interest has centered on the deposition of calcium in the arteries. Several studies have indicated that higher deposits of calcium in the coronary arteries can dramatically increase the risk for heart attacks. Of course, a combination of increased deposits of calcium and cholesterol can be deadly.

Diabetics also have an increased risk for heart attacks. It has been seen that many diabetics are overweight and that was how they got diabetes in the first place. Increased deposition of calcium in the arteries of diabetics further increases the risk for heart attacks.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Exercise during pregnancy prevents Alzheimer's in Children.

The benefits of exercise are many. The most important benefit is that it builds confidence. You are in top shape and you can do things which unfit people are incapable of doing. Exercise stimulates the brain. Exercise stimulates the immune system. Thus, a physically fit person can easily ward off infections. Exercise improves your cognitive functions. Your memory also improves. You can add one more benefit. Recent studies with mice suggest that when pregnant mothers exercise, their offspring get protection against neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease.

Vegetables and fruits to fight colon and rectal cancer

Colon and rectal cancer are very common in advanced countries. This is partly due to the lifestyles and partly due to the dietary practices. Very little fiber could be found in the diets of western countries. The inclusion of more fruits and vegetables is the key to prevention of cancer. Fruits and vegetables contribute both antioxidants and fiber. It has been shown that different vegetables and fruits offer protection against different forms of cancer.

Apples : Distal colon cancer
Cabbage : Proximal and distal cancer
Cauliflower : Proximal and distal cancer
Broccoli : Proximal and distal cancer
Fruit juices : Rectal cancer

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hormone to Predict Death Risks

Till now, doctors have relied on measuring the plasma phosphorus levels to determine whether the patients suffering from kidney disease requite dialysis or, not. Greater the phosphorus levels are, urgent is the need for dialysis. Now a hormone has been identified whose levels in plasma increase long before plasma phosphorus levels shoot up. The hormone is fibroblast growth factor (FGF-23). This is an important finding as diabetes and kidney disease are on the increase world over.The hormone levels also are good indicators of increased risk for death from heart attacks.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Resveratrol inhibits osteoporosis

Homeostasis refers to the processes through which body functioning is regulated. Thus, we have a temperature homeostasis. Likewise, a homeostatic mechanism is operating in bone metabolism. Two types of cells are involved in bone remodeling. They are the osteoblasts and the osteoclasts. The osteoblasts promote bone formation and the osteoclasts induce bone dissolution. Both bone formation and bone dissolution are natural processes. Inflammatory processes accelerate the osteoclasic process. Likewise, menopause in women promotes osteoclastic activity. Resveratrol present in dark colored grapes protects against bone dissolution and this is achieved by inhibiting the pro inflammatory reactions.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Loss of Deep Sleep May Lead to Diabetes

The importance of sleep cannot be understated. People are required to sleep between six to eight hours daily to lead a healthy life. Loss of sleep once in a while may not affect health that much, but chronic loss of sleep as encountered in insomnia may have deleterious consequences. Several complications set in. These include diabetes, memory problems and even dementia.

Sleep loss may lead to a decrease in insulin secretion. It has been shown that a period of sleep known as N3 sleep is concerned with deep sleep. It is this period which is critical for insulin secretion. People who have reduced N3 sleep have lowered insulin secretion and this can boost the circulating glucose levels. In the long run, this can lead to insulin resistance and subsequently diabetes.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Aspirin is the Lifeline for Heart Attack Victims

Coronary heart disease arises as a result of atherosclerosis which involves plaque formation within the arteries. When one or, more of the coronary arteries is completely closed, a heart attack ensues. Occasionally, the heart attack is massive and proves to be fatal. In case the individual survives, the doctors prescribe a low dose of aspirin. The role of aspirin is to prevent the complete closure of the coronary arteries again. Under these circumstances, the aspirin must be taken continuously. If the ingestion of aspirin is stopped, this may provoke another heart attack.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Visceral Fat Promotes Plaque Formation

What is obesity? What is visceral fat? It is the visceral fat which accumulates in obesity. Visceral fat is the fat which surrounds the tissues in obesity. It has different roles and is quite distinct from the subcutaneous fat which lies just under the skin. Coronary vascular disease arises as a result of plaque formation in these arteries which supply blood to the heart. Plaque formation may lead to the total closure of one or, more of the coronary arteries. Contrary to the general belief, it is the fat (visceral fat) which surrounds the heart from outside which is responsible for the deposition of plaque in the coronary arteries.

Afternoon Nap For Countering Hypertension

Sleep loss produces many problems. One of the problems which are rampant when somebody is chronically losing sleep is the rise in blood pressure. Rise in the blood pressure can increase the risk for heart disease. It also may promote the onset of stroke and kidney failure. Hence, sufficient sleep is essential for normal health. Even for people who don’t find sufficient time for sleeping, there is still a way out of their predicament.

Studies at the University of Pennsyllvania suggest that the best way of countering sleep loss and the acquiring of hypertension is to take a nap in the afternoon. It has been shown that even a nap lasting about forty five minutes can work wonders.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Vitamin D Protects Against Skin Cancer

One of the best sources of vitamin D is exposure to sunlight. One must remember that sunlight itself does not contain vitamin D. Rather it is the 7-dehydrocholesterol present in the skin which is converted into vitamin D under the influence of the UV radiation from the skin.

It is now realized that the role of vitamin D goes beyond bone formation. Vitamin D deficiency can result in the onset of a number of disorders including Heart disease, diabetes and dementia. In many western countries, for several years people have been avoiding sunlight because of fears over skin cancer. One of the consequences of this has been the advent of vitamin D deficiency in the advanced societies. Doctors are partially responsible for this state of affairs. It is now realized that vitamin D obtained from sunlight is nactually protecting against the onset of skin cancer.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sleep Debt Induces Risky Decisions

There are two types of fat cells. The white fat cells are the ones which store fat, mainly in the adipose tissue. The white fat cells have a huge capacity for accumulating fat and it is this fat which is responsible for obesity and its accompanying complications like coronary heart disease. The white fat cells contain two types of fat-the subcutaneous fat and the visceral fat. It is the visceral fat which accumulates during obesity and tends to surround the internal organs. The visceral fat is not inert and releases chemicals capable of producing several diseases.

The second type of fat cell is the brown fat cell which is present in large amounts in hibernating animals. While the fat present in the white fat cell tends to retain calories and thus, contributing to obesity, the fat present in the brown fat cell, is prone to be burnt as fuel. This leads to reduction in weight. Human beings have brown fat cells when they are young, but as they grow up, they lose most of the brown fat cells. There is only a small amount of brown fat left in the adults and this is located in the area between the chest and the neck.

It would be a great victory in the war against obesity if at least some of the white fat cells could be converted into brown fat cells. Recent animal experiments with mice suggest that it is possible to achieve it. Placing the mice in a rich, stimulating and challenging environment stimulates the release in the brain of a chemical called neurotrophic factor as a result of the development of mild stress. This chemical promotes the development of brown fat cells among the white fat cells present.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Men Have Longer Fingers

Cholesterol is an important and essential compound and is required to ensure survival. One of the roles of cholesterol is to produce the sex hormones which give the male and female characteristics to individuals. These hormones are also responsible for the differences in the physical characteristics seen between the males and the females. For example, women are protected against the onset of coronary heart disease while men are susceptible. Men are more likely to go bald, a phenomenon which is not likely to happen in women. Women also tend to have more of fat and less muscle while men tend to be more muscular.

It has been seen that men tend to have longer ring fingers. The lengths of the ring fingers are more compared to the index finger lengths. In contrast, in women, the index fingers are lengthier compared to the ring fingers. Elegant experiments with animals have shown that the hormones secreted by the growing fetus (and not by the glands of the mother) decide the finger lengths.

Increasing amounts of testosterone point to a higher ring finger/index finger length ratio. Estrogens, on the other hand, tend to increase the lengths of the index fingers. It is actually the ratio of testosterone to estrogen which is more important. Of course, there are women who tend to have longer ring fingers and tend to exhibit masculine characteristics while the reverse is true with men with smaller ring fingers.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Are Mitochondria Involved In Diseases?

The mitochondria are important intra cellular structures which are closely concerned with the generation of energy within the cells. The number of mitochondria varies from one cell to another. Thus, the lever and the heart muscle cells are rich in mitochondria. In fact, nearly one fourth of the liver cell is occupied by the mitochondria. In fact, the number of mitochondria increases with the increase in aerobic nature of the cells.

The mitochondria contain their own DNA. In fact, some of the mitochondrial proteins are coded by the mitochondrial DNA while others are coded by the nuclear DNA. There are several diseases which can be classified as mitochondrial diseases. Some of these diseases may be due to the alteration of the way the mitochondria divide. Several mitochondria are in contact with the endoplasmic reticulum, also present within the cell. Several proteins are present at this point of contact. It has been suggested that defect in the contact between the mitochondria and the endoplasmic reticulum may affect the division of the mitochondria leading to the onset of several diseases. Both increased contact and decreased contact between these two organelles may create problem, profoundly affecting the way the mitochondria divide. This, in turn, would drastically affect energy conservation within the cell.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Weightlifting To Get Rid Of Addiction

Addiction is a big psychological problem and many families have been destroyed by it. People find it very difficult to overcome the craving imposed by the habit. People go to de addiction centers only to get back to the old ways. Anyway, such expensive treatments are only for the rich and the powerful.

Some recent studies have indicated that lifting weights can help people get rid of addictive habits. Lifting weights for nearly sixty hours per week over a 12 week period brings about a drastic reduction in cravings. Lifting weights is a strenuous exercise requiring plenty of effort. This induces stress and initiates the secretion of adrenaline. Adrenaline is the precursor of the neurotransmitter molecule dopamine. Thus the adrenaline surge created by lifting weights leads to an increase the synthesis of dopamine which in turn causes a decrease in the addictive cravings.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Applying Pressure to preserve foods

The technology of food preservation has been undergoing change on a continual basis. All attempts at preservation have to keep in mind the need for preserving the nutrients as much as possible. This is particularly important as far as vegetables are concerned because they are rich in antioxidants and vitamins. The familiar method of Pasteurization has been useful, but this thermal method of preservation has resulted in loss of nutrients. A new method called Pascalization is being studied and basically involves subjecting the foods to high pressure. This application produces foods containing more antioxidants and at the same time kills the microbes present.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sleep Loss Increases Blood Pressure

Sleep loss creates many problems. Many of these problems have been well proved. Risk for heart attacks greatly increases if one has chronic sleeping problems. The risk for heart disease arises due to various reasons. The first and foremost reason is the weight gain and the subsequent onset of obesity. Obesity is a complication which breeds many other diseases like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Recent reports indicate that sleep loss may provide an additional complication. It has been shown that elderly people who suffer from sleep problems are likely to acquire hypertension. Thus, increased blood pressure can also increase the risk for heart disease and stroke.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Drawbacks of Melatonin Supplements

Melatonin is secreted from the pineal gland in the brain. It has been called the hormone of darkness because the maximum secretion of this hormone occurs at around midnight. This hormone has two functions. It can act as an antioxidant. Thus, it can help to control the amount of free radicals produced in the body. It also promotes sleep. The secretion of melatonin is inhibited by light. Therefore, it is better to switch off all lights in the bedroom before going to sleep.

Several studies have shown that melatonin supplements are better than sleeping pills in producing normal sleep. However, melatonin supplements suffer from some drawbacks.
 It may produce daytime sleepiness in some individuals. This will affect performance at workplace. Affected people should avoid driving and handling heavy machinery.

 Some individuals who take melatonin supplements tend to indulge in sleep walking.

 It tends to affect the efficacy of medicines taken for other problems.

 It may produce headaches and occasionally, nightmares.

 Sometimes it may produce abdominal discomfort.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Diagnosing the Weight Problem Correctly Is Essential

When you are eating more than what is normal practice, there would be no surprise in seeing your weight go up. However, if you are gaining weight in spite of keeping the calorie intake under control, you have to look elsewhere.

 Sleep loss is one of the major reasons. Sleep loss can produce weight gain in two ways. One of the reasons for lack of sleep is that you may be staying up late and during this process, you are more than likely to indulge in some snacking. Also sleep loss leads to an increase in the circulating hormones including the hunger hormone ghrelin. Thus, sleep loss promotes more eating without you realizing it.

 Another reason for weight gain may be an underactive thyroid gland. Thyroid hormones promote overall metabolism. Thus, when the thyroid gland produces lower amount of hormones, metabolism slows down and this promotes weight gain.

 Stress is another reason for weight gain. Stress increases the secretion of the stress hormone cortisol. This hormone promotes weight gain. This weight gain would also be experienced in a condition called Cushing’s syndrome where also there is increased secretion of cortisol.

 Intake of some drugs can also lead to weight gain. Medications like the antidepressents, antipsychotic drugs, steroids, drugs for diabetes and hypertension can lead to weight gain.

Thus, when you put on weight, it is important to diagnose the problem correctly.

How To Get Good Sleep

How To Get Good Sleep Sleep debt is increasing all over the world. One of the reasons for this is the altered and modern lifestyles of people. People tend to stay awake for - blogReaction

Friday, August 26, 2011

Foods Are Better Than Statins In Lowering LDL

High blood levels of blood cholesterol have been considered as a risk for coronary heart disease. It is believed that any cholesterol value above 200mgs per dl is considered unsafe. A much better yardstick is the circulating LDL levels. In order to reduce the blood levels of cholesterol and LDL, drugs called statins have been prescribed. These drugs act by blocking the synthesis of Cholesterol in the body. The use of the statins suffers from several drawbacks. These include muscle damage and the decreased availability of vitamin D in the body. Several studies have suggested that lowering cholesterol through natural methods is better than using statins.These foods are mainly of plant origin.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Eating placenta- a new phenomenon

The placenta is an organ connected with pregnancy. It connects the uterine wall with the growing fetus. Both the embryonic tissue and the maternal tissues contribute to the formation of the placenta. In spite of deriving a component from the ‘foreign’ fetus, the placenta is not rejected by the immune system of the mother. The placenta serves as the medium for nutrient supply to the growing fetus. It also permits gas exchange with the mother’s blood supply. It also functions as a kidney allowing for removal of waste products. The placenta is usually eliminated from the body after the delivery of the baby. The usual procedure adopted by hospitals is to dispose of the expelled placenta along with other hospital waste.

It has been reported that some of the pregnant women in the Western countries and in particular, the US, have been asking the hospitals to permit them to take their placentas home with them. You may wonder as to what they are going to do with them. These women plan to eat their own placentas. It is believed that pregnant women are emotionally attached to the placenta and therefore, it has been suggested that eating the placenta would keep away the phenomenon of postpartum depression. Such women also believe that eating the placenta increases milk secretion although there is no scientific study supporting this line of thought. In fact, even a cookery book has been published giving placenta recipes.

Of course, several hospitals have refused to bow to these demands. Because of the increasing popularity of this practice several states in the US have enacted laws which state that if a woman wants her placenta, she can have it. The placenta itself does not supply much by way of nutrition. It is rich in iron and vitamin B12. It also contains some hormones. Hence, the placenta cannot act as a nutritional supplement. However, there are several women who are revolted at the thought of eating their own placentas.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Visceral fat Reduced by Fiber

Fiber is that portion of your food which can offer several health benefits. It has been shown that increase in body weight is inversely proportional to your fiber intake. Fiber helps to reduce weight in several ways. For example, fiber provides the satiety factor which makes you stop eating. Fiber, being not digested, cannot put calories into your body. Addition of excess calories into your body is one of the major causes for the development of obesity.

Visceral fat is that fat which is present deep inside your belly and also is surrounding your vital organs like the liver and the heart. It has been shown that increased intake of soluble fiber can help to get rid of the visceral fat. The subcutaneous fat which is present just under the skin is not that bad. However, visceral fat is dangerous as it secretes hormones and other substances which create an ideal environment for the onset of many chronic diseases.

Fiber itself comes in two forms-the soluble and the insoluble forms. Both these forms are beneficial for health. For example, the insoluble fiber plays an important part in removing constipation. It also prevents piles and colon cancer. The soluble fiber is more important in lowering the blood cholesterol. Both total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol are lowered in blood. It has been recently shown that soluble fiber is capable of reducing the visceral fat in obese individuals.

There are many vegetable sources capable of offering soluble fiber. Vegetables and fruits contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. For example, the skin of the plums contains the insoluble fiber while the pulp contains the soluble fiber. Some good sources of soluble fiber are legumes, oats, barley, some fruits and fruit juices, some vegetables like carrots, tubers like sweet potatoes and onions. Even coffee contains soluble fiber.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Erectile Problems-Niacin To The Help

One of the major problems which come in the way of successful marriages is the inability of the male to perform. The reason for this is the erectile dysfunction. The very act of sex depends on the presence of an erect penis. Due to various factors, this is sometimes not achieved. This leaves the female partner totally unsatisfied. Niacin is a water soluble vitamin belonging to the B-complex group. This vitamin plays very important roles in several oxidative metabolic reactions. Recent studies have shown that niacin supplements can help overcome erectile dysfunction in men.

Obese Pregnant Women Produce Fat Babies

Obesity produces several complications. Obesity is determined by the body mass index. The body mass index is obtained by dividing the weight in kilograms by the height in meter squared. The normal body mass index is between 20 and 24. A body mass index above 30 is considered as obese. When obese women become pregnant, additional complications arise. Obese women also possess excess fat around their livers. The babies born to them also turn out to be fat. These babies also are seen to have excess fat around their livers. These fat babies tend to grow up into obese adults. Hence, it is important for women to keep their weight under control if they are thinking of becoming pregnant.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Switch Off the Light to Get Better Sleep

Sleep problems are on the increase. One of the reasons for this is the lifestyle of the people who tend to keep awake for long hours. They do so in the presence of light. Light inhibits the secretion of melatonin, the hormone which promotes sleep. Thus, if you want to avoid health problems, it is better to go to bed early and in the presence of darkness.

Weight Loss Improves Sexual Performance

Diabetes affects a large number of people in the world and the numbers are continuing to increase at an alarming rate. While genetic predisposition is one of the major contributors for type 2 diabetes, another looming threat cannot be completely ignored. It is obesity which is fast becoming an epidemic of monumental proportions. It is also known that compared to type 1 diabetics, the type 2 diabetics tend to be obese.

Also several studies have established that Non diabetic individuals who are obese are at great risk for the development of diabetes. Obesity, initially leads to insulin resistance. This is a condition where insulin is present, but is unable to act. Insulin resistance subsequently progresses to type 2 diabetes. One of the problems faced by obese men who are diabetics is the loss of desire for sex and the decreasing ability to perform in the bedroom. Recent studies indicate that these obese diabetics when they reduce the body weight get back their sexual desires. They are also able to sexually satisfy their partners, indicating better performance.Of course, this is applicable even if you are not diabetic.

Bill Clinton Is a Vegan

Bill Clinton, the former President of the USA has turned a new leaf. He has become a vegan. It is to be noted that his daughter is already a vegan. Mr. Clinton who was suffering from overweight problems even during when he was president, had to undergo two surgeries to remove the block in his coronary arteries. Doctors have now advised him that the only way of surviving is to exist totally on plant based foods. Bill Clinton says that he is quite comfortable as a vegan. He avoids meat, egg and dairy products.