Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Eating placenta- a new phenomenon

The placenta is an organ connected with pregnancy. It connects the uterine wall with the growing fetus. Both the embryonic tissue and the maternal tissues contribute to the formation of the placenta. In spite of deriving a component from the ‘foreign’ fetus, the placenta is not rejected by the immune system of the mother. The placenta serves as the medium for nutrient supply to the growing fetus. It also permits gas exchange with the mother’s blood supply. It also functions as a kidney allowing for removal of waste products. The placenta is usually eliminated from the body after the delivery of the baby. The usual procedure adopted by hospitals is to dispose of the expelled placenta along with other hospital waste.

It has been reported that some of the pregnant women in the Western countries and in particular, the US, have been asking the hospitals to permit them to take their placentas home with them. You may wonder as to what they are going to do with them. These women plan to eat their own placentas. It is believed that pregnant women are emotionally attached to the placenta and therefore, it has been suggested that eating the placenta would keep away the phenomenon of postpartum depression. Such women also believe that eating the placenta increases milk secretion although there is no scientific study supporting this line of thought. In fact, even a cookery book has been published giving placenta recipes.

Of course, several hospitals have refused to bow to these demands. Because of the increasing popularity of this practice several states in the US have enacted laws which state that if a woman wants her placenta, she can have it. The placenta itself does not supply much by way of nutrition. It is rich in iron and vitamin B12. It also contains some hormones. Hence, the placenta cannot act as a nutritional supplement. However, there are several women who are revolted at the thought of eating their own placentas.

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